[1 December 2015] – The consortium between Como Consult (Germany) and
Economica (Vietnam) was commissioned by Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to implement on Activity under the Private
Sector Development Module of the project "Capacity Building for the ASEAN
Secretariat". The ASEAN Secretariat and GIZ agreed on the joint
implementation of the capacity building project "Capacity Building for the
ASEAN Secretariat" commissioned by the Foreign Office of the Federal
Republic of Germany.
The objective of the project is to strengthen the
‘institutional capacity and outreach of the ASEAN Secretariat’. To achieve this
objective, capacity building activities, including technical assistance,
training courses, dialogue conferences and advisory services, will be
implemented in partnership with the ASEAN Secretariat in a number of different

The activity implemented by the consortium was to assist in Improving the
Regulatory Framework for Starting a Business in ASEAN. The starting point for
the activity was the ASEAN SME Policy Index, developed by OECD and ERIA in
collaboration with the ASEAN SMEWG and the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC), which was
officially launched in June 2014. The SME Policy Index is meant to serve as (i)
an analytical and dynamic tool to review SME policy developments on a number of
policy dimension and across countries; (ii) a process by which a group of
countries sharing common policy goals agree on to develop a joint framework for
monitoring and comparing SME policy developments; and (iii) a framework to
exchange experiences and good practices, and foster policy dialogue. One section of the SME Policy Index is
dedicated to the regulations for starting a business. It looks specifically at
the (i) issuance of business establishment registration certificate, (ii) the completion
of the overall registration process and entry in operations, and (iii) Online
access, one-stop-shop for registration, and start-ups. Considerable differences
are noted and respective potential to benefit from good practices of other
AMSs, particularly for CLMV countries.
To implement the Activity, the Como Consult and
Economica Vietnam Consortium reviewed existing information on Business
Registration processes in AMSs provided in the ASEAN SME Policy Index and the
World Bank’s Doing Business Index. Its experts also conducted field visit to
multiple ASEAN member states. The consortium drafted a benchmark that is
proposed to the ASEAN SMEWG to be adopted as an orientation / goal for the
improvement of Business Registration processes in those AMSs with more
time-consuming processes.
The consortium scrutinised
the mapping requests and analysed for each requesting AMS the existing
information in comparison to perceived or potential information gaps. The
Consulting Firm summarised results in mapping reports for each of the selected
AMSs. Recommendations were derived from
the mapping how the respective AMS could improve its processes in order to
reduce time/cost for business registrations (to be included in the mapping
reports). Experts from Como Consult and Economica Vietnam presented the mapping
results and recommendations at the workshop held in Ho Chi Minh City from 9 to
11 November 2015.