[8 May 2021] — Launched in 2017 by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its tripartite partners – the Government, workers’ and employers’ organizations, the third Viet Nam’s Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) set out three country priorities to address in the next five years. The DWCP is formulated and monitored by the partnership between the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) and the Viet Nam Cooperative Alliance (VCA). As a national programme, it sets forth the framework for policies, regulations, programmes and actions by the tripartite partners, different ministries and stakeholders in Viet Nam, and development partners (including the ILO) towards the objective of decent work in Viet Nam.
The DWCP includes nine country programme outcomes that describe the results sought within these priorities: three under Priority 1 (employment), two under Priority 2 (protection) and four under Priority 3 (rights and dialogue).
Consultation workshop of the CPR of the Viet Nam’s Decent Work Country Programme 2017–21 in Hanoi
The DWCP 2017–21 was developed and endorsed by the Vietnamese tripartite constituents with official approval from the Prime Minister’s Office. It aligns with the Viet Nam Social Economic Development Plan and Strategy and the United Nations’ One Strategic Plan for the same period. The DWCP is implemented by all national stakeholders in the public and private sectors and by all provinces, with support from multiple development partners (donors and international agencies). In this process, the tripartite constituents make important contributions. The ILO, as a development partner in the field of labour and employment, provides technical assistance and inputs. The outcomes and impacts of the DWCP are attributable to many ministries, agencies and development partners in Viet Nam, including the tripartite constituents and the ILO.
Economica Vietnam team was commissioned by the ILO to implement the Country Programme Review (CPR) in order to assess the relevance and coherence of the DWCP design, the efficiency in implementation, effectiveness of its operations, sustainability or results. The review also provides a basis for improved insights within the ILO Viet Nam as to how to better design, implement, monitor and assess country programmes in the future and also identify priorities by the constituents to inform the development of the next DWCP. The CPR covers all interventions planned and carried out during the period 2017-2021, taking into account that the priorities remain the same. The CPR is coordinated by the ILO Office for Viet Nam with support from Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP).